
LukeCamp Registration and General Information

Welcome to the best summer yet…

LukeCamp has provided summer camp and school break programming in SouthWest Atlanta for over 30+ years for children age 7-14 years old.

As of 2024, the cost to send one child to 8-9 weeks of LukeCamp is $3,333.00.  Each child has a financial sponsor who provides a scholarship that pays for them to attend camp as long as your child is committed to attend camp each day for 8-9 weeks. 

Parents are responsible for paying $284.00 for camp which breaks down to $35 per week for camp.  

The registration fee is due in two payments of $141.00 (Payment #1) and $143.00 (Payment #2) totaling $284.00.  

The registration fee is non-refundable, cannot be transferred to another child and all registration paperwork and forms below must be completed by a parent and or the child’s legal guardian.  

The $284.00 registration fee is due prior to your child’s first day in camp.

All parents and campers are required to attend the mandatory LukeCamp information session held in May prior to the start of camp.  

The registration fee, paid by parents or the legal guardian, secures a space on the camp roster and helps off-set camp expenses including all field trips, four LukeCamp tee shirts, one LukeCamp hoodie, breakfast, lunch out when scheduled and all activities for the 8-9 weeks of day camp including one week of overnight camp.

If your child is currently age 6 and close to turning 7, please call or text 678-754-7700 prior to completing registration.

Possibly you know a teacher, a friend or even a former classmate who attended LukeCamp.  God has provided scholarships for each camper over the years and many hands lighten the load.  To set up monthly giving or make a one-time financial gift to scholarship children for LukeCamp please visit and click donate.  We need your help to continue to scholarship Atlanta’s best and brightest.

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Testimonies –

“LukeCamp was the best time ever!  We got to go to this huge farm (God’s Farm) and actually do things I have never done before.  Then each week we get to go on a reward field trip where we choose what fun stuff we will be doing like bowling, skating, going to a baseball game, hiking, playing games – it is awesome!”         ~ Michael – Luke Camper

“LukeCamp is a real find. It is affordable and they really care about my children. They do everything from a Christian perspective and I can really see a difference in my child’s confidence and behavior. I highly recommend this affordable camp to other parents.” ~ Michelle B., Parent

“It is hard to believe my child would ever consider a profession serving children. He does not like kids and working with them has never been in his top 100. I am not sure what you guys are doing at LukeCamp but he actually wants to be a child psychologist when he grows up.” ~ LukeCamp Parent

“I just want to say thank you all for your time and hard work with my girls this summer.  I know they can be a handful but they really did enjoy camp. Aliyah is doing very well with virtual school and I can attribute that to the skills she learned from Luke Camp this summer on video call etiquette. Cameron is doing very well with math and even taking 6 grade language arts. So again, thank you all for your time and efforts this summer.”
Ms. Rose, Parent

LukeCamp Summer Camp PSA

LukeCamp Registration and General Information

Morning Drop Off Location
Daily Summer Camp Drop off from 7:50 a.m. – 8:00 a.m.

LukeCamp – Chick-fil-A / Cascade Road SW Atlanta
3725 Cascade Road SW
Atlanta, GA 30331

Pick Up Location
Daily Summer Camp Pick-up from 4:45 p.m. – 5:30 p.m.

Publix – Cascade Crossing 
3695 Cascade Road  
Atlanta, GA 30331

Summer Day Camp
LukeCamp starts late May or the first week of June.

Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.


One Camper (Age 7 – 14) = $284.00 for summer camp.

This is a one-time non-refundable registration, non-transferable fee of $284.00 that covers the registration for 1 child age 7 – 14.

Each child must also have a Six Flags Season Pass or ticket to attend any outings to Six Flags.

LukeCamp is a summer day camp for children ages 7-14, and provides an affordable, fun day camp experience for children. 

Space is limited.

Registration includes 4 LukeCamp tee shirts and 1 LukeCamp hoodie.

LukeCamp provides a wow environment where children have a ton of summer fun and are encouraged to take the next best step in their journey as a follower of Christ. Whether it’s field trips during breaks in the school calendar, tutoring, coaching, Bible study, job exploration, community service or a summer camp weekly reward field trip we are honored to be able to partner with you in equipping leaders for our city, state and nation.  When possible, LukeCamp concludes with a weeklong reward session of overnight camp, which has traditionally been held at Big Canoe in the North Georgia mountains. The goal of LukeCamp is that every camper discovers God’s plan for their life, have a ton of summer fun, develop increased self-esteem, build confidence and enjoy new adventures.

LukeCamp registration is open to any child, regardless of ethnicity or religious background.

The LukeCamp parent information meeting will be in May. Please email for time, location and for a copy of the meeting agenda.

Once the one-time, non-refundable, non-transferable fee registration fee is paid, your child will be placed on the LukeCamp summer roster.

If a child does not participate and/or follow camp guidelines, they forfeit any payment and opportunity to attend summer camp and any trips or tutoring scheduled for the coming school year. 

You will have the opportunity to submit your payment at the end of this registration form.  You must complete the registration form and make payment to complete the registration of your child. You must submit a separate registration form for each child being registered for LukeCamp.

LukeCamp Registration updated 2023-03-28 (#19)

LukeCamp Registration Form

Upload proof of your child's COVID-19 vaccination. Allowed file types include: pdf, jpg, jpeg, gif, png, bmp, zip, gz, gzip, rar, & 7z.

Download a copy of the Luke Camp Rules and Policies.

LukeCamp Summer and School Break Camp Policy Info and Best Practices Certification Class

Our desire is for parents, campers, staff and volunteers to have a safe, enjoyable and meaningful experience at summer camp or at one of our camp sessions conducted over school breaks.  However, for this to happen, everyone needs to be on the same page.

Download a copy of the Luke Camp Rules and Policies.

Please provide a valid cell phone number as we communicate important information throughout LukeCamp via cell phone texts.



What school will your child be attending in the coming school year?

Parent and Child Commitment

LukeCamp strives to provide the most affordable, fun-filled experience for children of working parents. We hope and pray you will see the benefit of your child attending as many weeks as possible during the summer.  Please let us know how many weeks your child will be attending LukeCamp by selecting the appropriate number below.

The Luke Project, Inc. agrees to help your child pursue excellence in every area of life. We will provide Basic Life Skill Classes, Bible study, field trips, supplies, t-shirts and opportunities to earn outstanding rewards listed on the LukeCamp calendar. On a weekly basis your child will have the opportunity to earn filed trips and LukeCash to spend at the LukeStore. We have seen from experience, their hard work, commitment and excellent behavior yielding great rewards.

Gender Identity Confusion and or Sex Education need to be handled first, at home, by a child’s parent. In the event, a camper has persistent questions about sex education, a panic attack, the urge to cross dress, refusal to use designated male or female restrooms, etc. or a gender identity crisis, the parent will be notified and arrangements made for pickup so the parent can seek the care they feel will best support their child.

Male campers, at all times, will utilize male restrooms, locker rooms, changing areas, designated cabins, small groups and meet male dress code requirements as determined by the participant’s gender designation on their birth certificate at birth. The dress code requirements for male campers will be provided to the parents at the parent meeting.

Female campers, at all times, will utilize female restrooms, locker rooms, changing areas, designated cabins, small groups and meet female dress code requirements as determined by the participant’s gender designation on their birth certificate at birth. The dress code requirements for female campers will be provided to the parents at the parent meeting.


LukeCamp Dress Code

Please select a t-shirt size for your child.
Please select a hoodie size for your child.

To purchase additional LukeCamp tee shirts and or hoodies please visit the LukeCamp Store after you finish the registration process.


Drinking Water


Swimming - May be an activity during LukeCamp

Please note that whether your child can swim or not, he / she may be allowed on the field trip and will be permitted to participate in non- swimming activities if possible. Girls must wear a one-piece bathing suit with a dark tee shirt. Boy’s swim trunks must have a drawstring. Every camper will be required to take a swim test before entering the water. I understand my child will be required to wear a life-vest as required.

LukeCamp wants every parent to be at peace knowing we are honoring their desires as it relates to if, and when, their child can swim.  Please read the different swim scenarios below and only check the boxes that articulate the swim scenarios you deem safe for your child.

General Swim Questions




Big Canoe Overnight Trip


Medical Information

This section includes any and all medical device equipment that your child may need. Such would include asthma pumps, EpiPen”s, etc. Include any allergies or medical condition that your child may have, along with the required device for each.

If you do not have a family doctor please write "None" in the box.
If your child’s healthcare is provided though Medicaid, Peach Care or other please write that in the blank.
If you do not know this number, please write in "Don't Know" in the box.
If this is unknown, write "Unknown" in the box.


Medical Release Form

Use your cursor or mouse to sign your name inside the box.


If your child is not allergic, please write "None" in the box.
If there is nothing else to declare, please write "None" in the box.

Medicine or Medical Device

If you are not sending a device or medicine, write "None" in the box.
If no restrictions please write "None" in the box.

Drop Off and Pick Up

LukeCamp Point and Reward System

Electronic Games, Cell Phones, or any other "Device" - iPod, etc.

Late Pickup Policy - Parents have a grace period of 20 minutes to pick-up their child each afternoon after the posted / texted pick-up time.  Any parent or designated pick-up representative that is 1-5 minutes late will be charged $5 and every minute late from 6 minutes+ will be charged at $1 per minute, per child, for campers that are picked up late.

Example:  Posted pick-up time for the day is 5:00 pm.  Parent arrives at 5:22 p.m.  Late Pick-up Fee is $5.00

Example:  Posted pick-up time for the day is 5:00 pm.  Parent arrives at 5:40 p.m.  Late Pick-up Fee is $20.00

When possible, it requires a minimum combination of at least three staff, interns, etc. to stay with the children and whether it is hot or cold at least one of the vans needs to be running to provide a safe and comfortable temperature for everyone. 

Failure to pay will result in your child missing the next field trip and the reward points affiliated with each trip until payment is received.


Typically LukeCamp provides breakfast, when possible, for each camper.
Breakfast typically consists of one breakfast entree’ or a pop tart / muffin / fruit cup or pastry.
Campers are required to order what they will eat and eat what they order.
A bottle of water is provided for each camper upon request.
We also have BelVita Breakfast Biscuits if preferred.
If a camper does not eat what they order a BelVita Breakfast Biscuit will be provided for your child.

LukeCamp Curriculum

LukeCamp Licensing

The LukeCamp is not licensed by Bright From The Start or Georgia Department of Early Care and Learning.  In accordance with RULE 591-1-1-.46 under Section (b) Exemption Categories the following type of programs shall be exempt from Licensure:

Paragraph 7. Day camp programs for children five (5) years and older that are operated between school terms, whose primary purpose is to provide organized recreational, religious, or instructional activities.  The day camp programs may operate during summer and other school breaks and shall operate for no more than 12 hours per day.


The LukeCamp brings together a diverse group of individuals.  It is guided by the principles of respect, character, teamwork and consideration for all individuals, which are foremost in all programming.  It is unlawful to discriminate against any individual based on race, color, religion, sex, nationality, sexual orientation, age or handicap status.  LukeCamp is not only obligated to uphold the law concerning equal opportunity but regards the spirit of these laws to be the very core of its values.

LukeCamp wishes to stress that it is the responsibility of every member participant of the LukeCamp family to observe and uphold the principles of equal opportunity as they affect staff, faculty, and participants in all aspects of life.  It is the responsibility of every member of the LukeCamp family to actively promote appropriate behavior.  Any form of coercion or harassment that insults the dignity of others or impedes their freedom to serve and or participate will not be tolerated.  Violators will be subject to suspension, expulsion or legal action as required.

LukeCamp is not an environment designed for political statements, demonstrations, political protests or other activities that will distract from the focus reserved and intended for the campers.  Therefore head bands, arm bands, etc. designed to make religious or political statements are prohibited.

Payment of Family Registration Fee

When the non-refundable registration fee has been paid, and all applicable paperwork has been submitted, an additional $3,000.00 LukeCamp scholarship sponsor payment will be applied to your child's LukeCamp registration so they may attend LukeCamp for the summer.

Payment can be made by Credit Card - No Checks / No Money Orders.  Click on the appropriate registration fee link below.  You may register only one child at a time, and each child requires a separate registration form to be completed per family.

"We are grateful for the scholarships provided by the individuals who sponsor kids to attend camp each year.  If you and or a member of your family would like to join the support team and make a monthly gift or one-time tax deductible gift to support the children we serve please click here to donate now.  Thank you for your support."

Space is limited, and slots are filled based on the order in which campers are registered.  

Your child's registration for LukeCamp is not complete until all payment(s) has been made.

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